Laurel Hill Drive Addition & Renovation, Chapel Hill, NC

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The chal­lenge: add a ground-floor mas­ter bed­room suite yet re­spect the ar­chi­tec­tur­al char­ac­ter, light and views, and oth­er be­loved qual­it­ies of a sev­enty-five year old one-of-a-kind Itali­anate house on the edge of the UNC Cam­pus.

The site re­quired that the ad­di­tion should be loc­ated on south side of the main house, at­tached to the liv­ing room. In or­der to pre­serve the lu­min­ous qual­ity of that re­mark­able space (win­dows and French doors ring the room, provid­ing light and views on all four sides), GS Ar­chi­tec­ture con­ceived the ad­di­tion as a dis­crete cot­tage, linked to the house by a bright and airy breeze­way that also provides ac­cess to the garden ter­race.

The design ap­pro­pri­ates ar­chi­tec­tur­al ele­ments and mo­tifs that oc­cur in the ori­gin­al house, A seg­men­ted arch that can be found (among oth­er places) in the bed­room wall refers to the pro­scen­i­um arch that bi­sects the liv­ing room (the ori­gin­al own­er was the chair­man of UNC’s drama de­part­ment), French doors and new mould­ings rep­lic­ate those in the ori­gin­al house.